All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Decisions decisions

When hubbie & I picked Ethan up from nursery today, we were told he'd had a really good day. He had eaten loads too and even helped himself to seconds of cottage pie. This continued back home when he sat nicely at the table (well, for most of his dinner) and ate a decent amount too.

Then through to the conservatory where we've started setting up his train set again. It has been packed away for months now and I have to admit, I'm having great fun building tracks with him. He played so nicely for ages and it's interesting to see how differently he now plays with the trainset compared to last time we had it out. And especially compared to the first time we ever set it up for him! By 7pm though it was well past bath / shower time and he was starting to get grumpy - tantrums if I put the trains in a different direction to where he wanted to go and so on. And even more tantrums when I took him upstairs for his shower. He was knackered but having too much fun to stop playing!

The bedtime routine continues to be out the window. Yet again he has fallen asleep in our bed - it's 10pm and he's still sleeping there. Time to move him to his own bed so I can curl up in mine!

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