Lady Sage Days

By LadySage

Not helping my diet.

... but what the hell. Some times there are more important things in life.

1. Had a phone call from friend's nosy, interfering, control freak of a neighbour informing me she has seen my friend going off to hospital in an ambulance. I told her I knew already.

2. Get another phone call a few hours later to tell me she had been up to his flat and opened his front door, gone in and turned his heating off.

3. I tell her to stay out of his flat as he told me last time he was in hospital that he doesn't want anyone (her) going into his flat. She tries to talk me round, says we can go in together to do whatever needs doing. I tell her no, he does not want her to go into his flat.

4. Knowing what this busybody is like I shoot round to my friends flat with my bf and we go in to turn my friend's computer off and check the place over and lock up but.....

5. My bf finds this neighbour in the flat, in my friend's kitchen in the dark busying herself with something. Him being ex police very firmly and authoritatively told her to leave.

6. She tried to say something to me but I was absolutely furious and just shouted at her.... GET OUT !!!!!!! and pointed towards the door.

Fast forward to Saturday morning and I have reported this to the housing association who agreed with me that it was totally unacceptable and they would be passing the information on to the Housing Officer. I gave my details to be contacted but as yet haven't been.

I hardly slept as a result of her behaviour and the way earlier on she had tried gossiping to me about my own friend saying 'oh did you know he had this and he hadn't done that' ?!!!!!!

How I didn't just throw her out physically when I found her in there after telling her clearly that my friend did not want anyone in his flat.

He'd already had a previous experience whereby he'd come in from the shops some months back before Christmas and she had wanted a paper. Because it was icy he offered to nip back and get one for her and left his bags of shopping safely inside the door of the flats.
When he got back she had rummaged in his shopping. Since then he has made it very clear he wants her nowhere near his flat.

I've been on to the hospital and the consultant has seen my friend and they think that maybe the wound to his oesophagus could be leaking so he's on nil by mouth. Such a crying shame that because he really could do with some good substantial meals inside him to build him up a bit.

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