yet another day

By yetanotherday

Who's been sleeping in my bed?

There was a lot of hissing and whining coming from the kitchen today. Upon investigation it turned out that Jack had dared to sleep in Whisky's bed!!!! Despite all the noise from Whisky, Jack stood his ground and managed to spend the rest of the afternoon on the cat bed.

It's not been too bad a day today, a quick shopping trip this morning, 4 hours in work and then picked my daughter up from school as she was staying late today. She has her Fine Art GCSE next week and wanted to get some extra prep in.

I also received a complement (well I think it was) today. A work colleague told me that I'm one of life's few really nice people, but she did add that underneath she thinks that I'm an evil genius (I'll ignore the evil and just remember the genius bit, as I'm sure I'll never hear that word in the same sentence as my name again). I'm sure she only said it to cheer me up as I've had a bit of a hard time with a few things this week, but it worked and gave me a warm snuggly feeling :-)

It's my daughter's 16th birthday party this weekend, only bowling but she's really looking forward to it. Her birthday is the following weekend. Hopefully we'll all have a great time and I hope that you all do too.

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