
By Cari


Yesterday I said I had a theme going on....a white pattern. Then it was pointed out to me that I did have a purple flower a couple days ago so no white theme :) Now, maybe I actually do have a pattern going on!!! Here I am with purple again. I stayed home this morning, just because. The sun is out! I was awake at 6 up at 7 had some coffee and eggs. Debated going for a walk but you know what I did?!? I was chilly so I crawled back under the covers "for just TEN minutes". yep. An hour later I wake back up feeling poopy. Why oh why did I do that? I know when I lay back down and fall back to sleep I will feel crummy when I wake. ugh. Feeling more awake now and waiting for Glenn to come back and get me. I think I am now ready for the day!!!!
I am sitting here at my computer and the window is right above the screen looking out over my back yard area. I have been watching a pair of crows for the past couple weeks fly in and out of the trees back there. I wondered where they were building their nest. Well, I just found out!! Straight out the window up on a branch!! Hidden amongst the boughs of the tree so no photo op, at least from here. I will have to see if I can get something from below. Oh, it would be fun to see the young ones learn to fly!! I must watch for that.

I am down about 6-1/2 lbs this morning. Very happy about that! If I count from my weigh in about a month ago I'm actually down about 8! Thanks, again, simplemoments, for your encouraging words!! :)

Photo is my wisteria really starting to pop out! Makes me smile :)

Happy Thursday!

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