Our life with Autism

By Cjrach

The Tooth Fairy

Has been to our house for both Chris and Rach this week.
Rach put them both under her pillow as the tooth fairy can't leave anything in Christopher's room and she left her £2 and a little note to say her name was Lulu and to remind Rach to brush her teeth and not eat too many sweets.
The tooth fairy always delivers the teeth back to mummy next time she's in the area so mummy can keep them.
I can here some of you saying that's gross but my mum has all mine and my brothers milk teeth in her jewellery box so I carried the tradition on.
Rachaels look a bit Rotton but that's just blood. I think Chris still has two to go for a full set.

Took mum to hospital today, she developed a really bad scab on her lip about 6 weeks ago, I said it was a cold sore and so did GP but the cancer consultant wanted to rule out a growth, anyway it was a shingles virus which is healing nicely. She has had a really rough time these past few months but she she's her consultant again next week to see if she needs any more Chemo, fingers crossed its no and she can start to build her strength up again.

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