Emma Kathryn Luther

By luther


Tonight I was walking along a footpath in the rain when I spotted a cute little dog trotting towards me, as I smiled down at it, the man walking behind exclaimed 'Emma!'
I looked up and was greeted by the eyes of my ex boyfriend Nick.

On this day in 2008 we were in Dublin together. I'd just turned 28 and fallen head over heels in love. Nick treated me like a princess. He was the most wonderful partner I'd ever had. I thought I'd found the man I'd marry.

Yesterday I celebrated my 32nd birthday. I haven't stood in front of this man since the day he brought a paper bag of my belongings to my house to drop them off and say goodbye to me and our relationship four years ago.

I looked up at him from under my umbrella and searched his face. I saw nothing but cold formality. He got a warm smile from me. I was happy to see him. We talked about work, homes, walking dogs in the park and wearing caps in the rain.

I believe things happen for a reason. I don't know right now why we walked into one another tonight but I'm glad I saw him.

He was very special to me and meant a lot. We've both moved on. As I drove away I started singing 'now you're just somebody that I used to know'......

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