Leith #11 - New Kirk Gate

What a grey, dull and rainy day today! Thank god I had time to take this picture just after a doctor's appointment before I went to work, when there was still some light. The good news is the blood tests were fine, I'm being referred to a physiotherapist and there's a possibility that my wrist will recover from its injury! I'll keep my fingers crossed!

So, anyway...

This is New Kirk Gate, a shopping centre in Leith located were Kirgate used to be. Kirkgate was one of the oldest and principal streets of Leith, a narrow street that went straight ahead on reaching the foot of Leith Walk. It used to be a very lively street up to the 1950s; however, the housing was in poor state, so the area was redeveloped as a shopping centre in the 1960s.

There's a recollection from Jim Suddon, from Edinburgh, which describes this very well:

"The thing that is no longer apparent now is that a visit to Leith in the 1950s was a visit to another town. The Kirkgate, on a Saturday afternoon or evening, was a really fascinating place to visit.
There were shops there that did not seem to exist in Edinburgh and there were also traders selling all sorts of ornaments from the back of vans.
The Alsatian dog pulling the little boy seemed to be a big seller. They were made of plaster and in reality were cheaply finished, but people who bought them were given some pleasure. They could not afford better.
In amidst of the Kirkgate was the Gaiety Theatre with its posters, lights and box office with crowds, possibly coming out or queuing to go in.
The Council pulled all this down in the 1960s in the name of progress."

A bit of a busy day at work due to the bad weather, but I was in a good mood because of the good news about my wrist, and because I received my cake business cards this morning! They look good! :)

Having to start early tomorrow so I'll try not to get to bed too late this evening.

Thanks very much for all your nice comments about my Leith series! I hope you all had a great day! :)

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