Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Between downpours...

...The weather is much as yesterday. (It feels the wettest drought ever!).

My movements were a little different from yesterday.
I went to the Dentist for a start. I suspect it would take serious hypnotherapy to enable me to jip and skump to this esablishment :- (
However, apart from having my gums scraped red raw by an over-enthusiastic hygienist (and bless her! She's lovely when not wielding an instrument of torture) no treatment was necessary. They did all kindly point out that if I hadn't chickened out of my last appointment, this one wouldn't have been so bad... Yeah, yeah. I'm not stupid. I KNOW this. (But fear seizes me right up the vitals.. I'm a wuss.)
Any road up, the image is very similar to yesterday... This is probably evidence that I haven't ventured far today.
It's a nice fluffy coat though isn't it?

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