Picaday Anyday

By Picaday

Yaisah and Shulah

These two beautiful twin girls are my newest arrivals to my small flock which previously consisted of five Shetlands and one Cheviot. But last night these two little year old lambs came into my possession and I'm a very proud and excited mummy!!
Soay are unlike any other sheep, being the most primitive with very varied characteristics plus a history that evokes a romanticism back to the Bronze Age.
They were the sheep that inhabited St Kilda, although no one knows how they got there.
Soays are listed with the Rare breed Survival Trust as being now a "vulnerable" breed because of diminishing numbers.
Here in Shetland where I live there is a farm called Shetland Alpacas which is breeding Soays ( and Alpacas!). That's where my two came from.
I am going to register them with the Survival Trust so at least they know of their existence.
I think you'll agree that they're very special looking sheep and we should do all we can to get this breed off the "vulnerable" list of rare breeds!

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