Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Come down here so I can kill you.....

Princess Mitten Kitten the 1st chatters and growls at birds who land on our roof....she has a really nasty meow,it sounds sinister,unsurprisingly the birds do not come down.....
Been busy today,did some housework and laundry,gardening,met Zoe at the doctors as she asked if I would go with her and Jake for his injections,as it happens my adorable daughter let me hold Jake whilst he was stabbed 3 times.... he gave me a filthy look when I kissed him goodbye....
Made some tea and whilst it was cooking I had an urge.. an urge to make buttermilk scones,so I did...... it may have had something to do with the fact that the buttermilk needed using by the weekend and my Mum is here tomorrow and we have our Wednesday 'treats' .........

p.s Mitt Mitt as she is known and answers to is a Maine Coon,she is not fat,she is HUGE... and she was the runt of her litter !!!

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