All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Nee-naw Car

Hubbie & I were looking after Eden this morning while Foreveryoung went to work. Well, hubbie looked after Eden while I took Ethan to gymnastics. When we got back Eden was asleep in the pushchair and slept for an hour and a half! Ethan also decided he wanted a sleep in his pushchair and slept for an hour and 3/4! Unfortunately, their naps only overlapped by 2 minutes!

When Foreveryoung came back, we decided to go and visit our parents in Beith as they had bought a flat pack unit they wanted hubbies help to put up. We stopped off at The Fort on the way over and Eden and Ethan enjoyed playing in a fire engine ride together. Little did we realise at that point that later in the evening Ethan would be going in a different type of nee-naw car for real!

After dinner at my parents house, we put the kids in the bath. They were having great fun in there when Ethan suddenly announced he wanted to get out. This is unusual as he usually lasts much longer than Eden. He then started crying and saying he was sore. At first he said he had sore knees but then said he had a sore head and within minutes he was hitting his head over and over, crawling around in obvious agony and screaming uncontrolably. He then threw up and carried on crying in clear distress before projectile vomiting all over me. At this point, hubbie called NHS24, who were concerned enough to send out an ambulance. The paramedics arrived really quickly and decided they wanted Ethan to go to hospital to be checked over. He normally gets so excited when he sees ambulances but was so distressed he didn't even react to going in it at all. We had to hang around a wee while at A&E and the doctor decided he wanted Ethan to be assessed in the childrens ward for a few hours.

By now it was well past Ethan's bedtime and he was so exhausted he had fallen into a deep sleep. They struggled to rouse him in the childrens ward and decided that as they couldn't assess him properly in that state, it would be best to admit him for the night. Hubbie and I both wanted to stay with him, but they would only let one of us stay over, so I'll be sleeping on the camp bed beside him tonight.

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