Picaday Anyday

By Picaday

Rook's Nests at Kergord, Shetland Isles

Today Hubby and I went to a car boot sale on the west side of the island. We live more to the north so as it has been a nice day here we had a great little drive out.
Huuby got some DVD's and some plants for the garden so he was very happy with that. I got a red and gold cushion for one son and a computer keyboard for my other son. He has been using 2 keyboards, none of which have all their keys working, so what didn't work on one would work on the other. I got him a brand new HP one for £2.00. He was very happy!!
It was great to go along my son's on the way home just to see that they're doing fine. Both in their thirties now, but I still like to check on them. They share a house at the moment.
My blip pic today was taken at a place called Kergord, on our way to the car boot sale. There is a plantation of trees there and every year the rooks nest high up in them. I took about 4 photos of them but I liked this one best because you can clearly see a rook sitting on it's nest near the top of the photo.
Hope all fellow blippers are having a nice Sunday and finding good things to blip.
Take care.

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