
By Cari

Great Day!

This has been quite the day! Got up this morning and got ready to go into the office. Glenn could barely walk his back was hurting so bad. I so pray they can do something about the pain. We will find out soon. So, he went back to lay down. I went into work and got a couple things done then went to the home show to see how things were going there. All was well so I came back home to check on the hubby. He was up and about but still not moving well. He said he was up for a little drive though, as long as he didn't have to walk. So, off we went! It was the most beautiful day! We drove down the river and we see this! The egrets are back! We saw them last year and I wanted to go back and try to photograph them this spring. I took a few photos from this side of the river but boy was I wishing I had a super super zoom. We decided to drive down the other side of the river and we came up upon the back of the scene!!! Oh my gosh! Just beautiful and right in front of us!! I snapped away and was in awe to be so close to these beautiful birds!! I thought this one kind of looked like a Dr. Suess character and I think these two were making little egrets!! :) Oh, they were all so wonderful. I put some on my links above if you want to see more. They were building nests so I'm told they will be there for about a month or so as they hatch they're young and get them ready for the big flight. I will be going back many times in the next month so be ready for Egret photos! Made my day!!
The only thing I notice is that the photos look better on my computer than they do on blip and flikr. Oh well. I love them!! :)

And, I got excited about something else...I was walking around the house today and found out that the vine along the fence is wisteria!! I was so hoping it was and it is!! Also, there are iris's about ready to open and the curly green leaves I asked about a few photos ago turned out to be calla lily!!! I am so thrilled!!! So many new things popping up. Some I have always hoped to have in my own garden!

Got a call from our oldest. He said he got a ticket yesterday :(
He is 23 and it's his first. It was for talking on the cell phone while driving. I have warned him not to do that. He thinks it's a dumb law. Well, too bad, it causes accidents so don't do it!!! Hopefully he learned his lesson. He really wanted to have a clean driving record when he turned 25 as that is the magical age for boys to have their insurance go way down if they have a good record. Being his first citation they said he can take an online class and have it removed from his record. He is going to do just that. Good boy! :)

Enjoyed a swim this evening then a glass of wine. My one a week for a while. I am down about 6 pounds now. So happy! My hard work is paying off! Then I glued myself to the computer to look at all the photos I took today. Got some pretty sunset photos down at what is locally called 'blippers' dock. And, some from Shore Acres. Such a wonderful day!!

I hope everyone is also enjoying the weekend!
Happy Saturday!

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