Deep Purple

Between rain showers and sunshine I found this. I just love these deep rich colors. Did a bit of spring cleaning today and have tired myself out :) That doesn't make Saturdays very fun. haha

Lately we have had a pileated woodpecker in the yard. I don't see one of these often, so I've been trying to get a photo. Still haven't gotten "the" photo yet and it was back today. I did some stealth moving trying to get a better angle and he flew off before I could get ready. I do wonder if they are nesting nearby.

As to nests.. I must have a couple of first time American Robin mothers. One has built a nest in the smaller magnolia tree. They build a pretty good sized nest and it's about waist high. I'm sure a cat could jump and grab the nest. I told her, Momma Robin, you must be new at this. So far she's sitting on it and patiently waiting for her babies. The other robin has built a nest on top of the rung ladder that hangs under the deck. At first every time we went outside off she flew to sit and shrill at us. Finally she's settled down about that and doesn't get to excited when we open the door. Anyway, hopefully none of the little fledglings will hop out of the nest before it's time.... That's something I hate to see in spring.

I'm in a rambling mood it seems. I'll be quiet now :)

ps. A chance of snow tomorrow night. How very depressing is that.

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