In the dark!

Hubby wanted to go to the church in Campbeltown as he is working tomorrow. We drove down and arrived there about 5 , went to church then decided to go to the Ugadale Hotel at the Machrahanish golf course. We got there at the back of 8 and just missed that glorious evening light which lit up the entire golf course (grrr) anyhow we decided to go in for a quick bite and after perusing their menu quick was the word that sprang to mind. Jeez what prices!! eyewatering to say the least. Just as we had ordered a drink and ordered the only thing on the menu that didnt require one to sell their shirt, suddenly the lights went out! Darkness inside (daylight still outside) Calm panic among the staff scurrying about like ants trying to keep the peace especially with the 4 southerners at the table next to us who began demanding they change their starters to salads. The staff said there was now way the kitchen could respond due to Health & Saftey. "Don't you have gas ovens" boomed one of them. "yes" said the chef who had come out but they have electric switches to put them on! In the meantime they kind of ignored us (having probably sussed we were financially challenged looking) so I went off in search of the loo and when I came back lo and behold there was Donald tucking into the meal we had ordered! Don't know how they managed it but I began scoffing mine incase one of the clowns at the next table tried to steal it! "Can we have a free bar then" demanded idiot no 3. "Sorry" said the staff. By this time it was really dark and I was chasing my meatloaf round the plate! Anyhow to cut a long story short we got what we had ordered and asked for the bill which came to £30 for two meatloaf, a pint of cider and a ginger beer! We settled in cash and left the morons at the next table useing the darkenss as an excuse to grope any passing waitress
On reflection though the staff were very apologetic, I thought they could have at least stood us a free drink for expecting us to eat in darkness and next to a bunch of hooray Henries with no manners!
Will take a torch if ever I return!

Happy blipping

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