Inappropriate Attire 928

2years 183 days - 30 months - 2 1/2 years!!

We did love our day today!! A walk to the bus, with her in the pushchair - a hugely unfamiliar experience to her! She was still very excited to go on the bus. We went through the park before ballet, and had found a slightly later bus so didnt have as long to kill. She wanted to wear her slippers out today. What I missed was when she put them on, she took of the ballet shoes that she had being wearing and didnt put them back in the bag. So she did ballet in her slippers. She enjoyed her ballet class a lot, and everything she did was totally on her own, just having mummy nearish was enough to reassure her. She got tired after 45minutes though, and wanted to go home. She fell asleep in less than 2 minutes.

We got the bus back and went to her swimming lesson. Todays class was brilliant. Really good. The teacher had a load of new activities and they just seemed perfect for bringing Katie on. They had to jump from the sides into a woggle circle - my word did Katie love it. They did different woggle things, although Katie did them a few times to show the teacher then went off swimming properly without it. Then all the parents made a big line of woggle tunnels for the children. Katie was swimming through the line so fast and confidently on her own. That was one activity where every child in the class was doing exactly the required thing at the required time! A big hit. They did lots of push and glides and I was really impressed at how far along under the water she was going. After the lesson, there were too many people for us to stay in the learner pool, so we went in the big pool with some friends and the children loved it. Played on their woggles, rides on us, racing. Lots of fun.

Katie and I went into town for a bit after the lesson - she asked to go for a decaff. Somewhere along the line she's learnt that I drink decaff tea/coffee and thinks that what my drink is called. There was a teeny baby in the coffee shop and Katie spent the whole time making sure she could watch her.

When we got back, a friend came and picked us up. Katie went to their house and played with Lydia and her sister. Mummy went and took our broken (again) bike back to the shop. We have managed to return the silly rubbish bike and upgraded to a much nicer (more expensive of course) super duper bike that we collect tomorrow. Quite exciting!

In other news, how on earth is Katie now 2 1/2?

Katie at 30 months

*expects all phones to be touch screen like an iphone.
*dresses herself. Not necessarily appropriately, but does it.
*is obsessed with cleaning her teeth
*has spent most of the month painting
*knows k,b,d,f,s,m,j,g,o,h, cat, spot, sally, katie, mummy,monkey, dog, boo and some other words to read
*makes up her own songs
*now owns a set of jammies with no feet - but tries to pull her feet into them!
* cant be left unsupervised near a bottle of shampoo, bubbles, shower gel, talc - she makes magic mixtures and washes her toys
*wants to like the disney princesses, but doesnt like the films

*crackers for supper
*ice lollies, fish pie,
*the Winnie the Pooh films.
*being in the butterflies meitai
*the Tiger who Came to Tea, thanks to Lyra

*trip to an Ice skating show - she's talked about it nonstop
*trip to Hyde Park
*London taxi ride
*Easter egg hunt
*watching of a ballet

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