Compost Mentis

By megatonlove

Love: Beginnings

Writing a postcard to my friend Joshua the other day, it dawned on me that the only things I write in longhand these days are shopping lists or reminders on Post-It squares dotted round the house. Not good.

Time to refill my pens and practice some hand-writing again. This was my first attempt - creaky and smudged, with telltale blobs of correcting fluid. There was a time I had beautiful penmanship - one useful thing I learned from the nuns in convent school. When I was younger, I used to love copying down poems by hand. I did it even when I had the book. Somehow, doing it gave me a deeper sense of the music within the words.

It still does.

The poem is called "Love: Beginnings" by C.K. Williams and is more legible here.

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