The colour purple

Today's blip is brought to you by the colour purple.

Our monster wisteria sinensis has gone bang. The front of our house is completely smothered in purple clouds. People driving past often slow down to gawk, thus putting an end to early morning gardening in pyjamas. Wisteria scent is intoxicating, especially in the late afternoon and evening. Rather than blipping the entire facade of our house, I chose this sprig that I photographed as the sun was coming up over the orchard across the street.

More wizzy pics:

This is the view from where I sit. My desk looks out at several blackbird nests and one bee house. Their comings and goings sometimes mean I don't get much done.

Wizzy up close. I like the flowers best before they're fully open, when the purples are very intense.

Completely unrelated to my blip, but I found this eBay car description so hilarious it gave me a stitch in my side. Go on, have a read.

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