
Well, the party last night was not great. In fact it was one of the poorer parties I have ever been at. Only half the invited guests turned up so that the atmosphere was not exactly buzzing. The food was ok but the music was simply dreadful. No live band, just a mad female DJ who is obviously deaf as she had the volume and the bass turned up so high all night that it was actually painful on my ears, something I often notice, even at the cinema, which explains why I only go the the cinema about twice a year. Worst of all though was the actual "music" itself. All 80's and 90's disco stuff, surely the most dreadfully inane "music" ever inflicte on humankind. All drum machines and synthesisers and not a single musician between the lot of them. I didn't get up for even one dance. You can't dance to that sort of rubbish. You just sort of bounce up and down on the spot and generally make a proper eejit of yourself. I might have chanced it if I had brought ear defenders but most certainly no way without them.
Enough ranting. Today has been a big gardening day, during which I took time out to blip the bluebells. We put these in a couple of years ago and they are putting on a real good show this year in both the front and the back of the house.
Home made fish pie coming up for dinner, then I'll be getting down to some serious commenting.
If you look at the location map you will see exactly where our home is. Ciao!

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