Again and Again

By Ripitup


Today has been a great Saturday. The weather man didn't get it right and it has been mostly dry all day.

I have seen my first swallow of the year, along with a beautiful long tailed tit and a heron.

I have taken my best pictures so far with my new lens.

Have got bees, wasps, ladybirds and all manner of other creepy crawlies.

Have got tulips, blossom, gunnera and euphorbia.

I have visited the new farm shop that has opened half mile from my house and had a great conversation with the butcher about the rare breed meat on sale. He is now on my 'blip list' as he was working wonders with his knives while we chatted. I also chatted to the two young ladies in the shop about their passion for horses and to the lady farmer about her minature donkeys and goats. So many blip opportunities! Plus I now have a beautiful rib of beef for my dinner tomorrow.

I had no hesitation in choosing this picture today though. My Dad. He is always there for me . Although we don't see eye to eye on a great many things and he is as stubborn as a mule with his opinions, I love him, warts and all.

He has always been very tight careful with his money and he loves nothing better that a make do and mend with his clothing. I swear he has had that jacket as long as I can remember. Over the years my sister and I tried to buy him newer and more trendy 'dad wear' but we have long since given up as it is invariably stashed in a cupboard for 'best'.

If however we can convince him that be are giving him something of ours ( a hand me down) that we no longer have need for, he will often wear it until it is either prised from him by my mother or falls apart.

His favourite item is Mr Ripitups old work boots which he likes 'for the garden'.

This was him in his garden today and spending an hour with him and my mother, the favourite part of my day.

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