Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Step we gaily, on we go. Heel boy Heel!

Off for a blip wander this morning afternoon, as you do. Sunny through the Meadows, and I got a few shots, but I feel the blossom's not at its best yet. Famous last words, as a huge storm comes and blows it all off tomorrow!

Went to investigate the Museum and try my new toy out.

Lesson One: Go to the museum when it's not hoachin' * Folk kept walking across my carefully lined up scene. Gave up inside and went up to the 'Secret Garden'. It sure is. Took a lift up, got directions to the next bit, then lift took us all the way down again, then back up. Stopping at every possible level, of course. Both ways!

Lesson Two
: Use the stairs to get to Secret Garden. Life's too short to spend going up and down in a lift.

The garden is nice - great views all round. Well, I say all round, but the terrific view to Arthur's Seat is obscured by a big concrete part of the museum. Great idea! There was a bit cut out in the wall to view it, but from that viewpoint there was another great big concrete monstrosity in the near distance.

The views of the city could have been better. The skyline was spectacular, the clouds were great, but they have built the 'secret garden' right the way round, several metres wide, so that you're actually well back from where you want to be.

AND, in their wisdom, it being a garden, they have planted things in it and labelled them. But they have planted bloomin' big bushes and trees! And a year or so, you'll be lucky to see anything between the foliage! Nice one, whoever thought that one up!

Town was full of Geordie hen parties, Spanish school groups, drunks (still there from last night?) and puzzled looking tourists. Or maybe they were puzzled looking locals.

My blip today was in the Meadows, but not the blossom. And I always like to see the cricketers out playing. It's like the first sighting of a cuckoo for me!

Caught this chap striding across in his kilt, dragging his rather reluctant looking dog. He has a frisbee, possibly for the dog.

Has he dressed up to take the dog for a walk? Or is he ready for a wedding and was sent out with the dog before the festivities. Or maybe he's marrying the dog. No, that only happens in Australia!

I liked the way the sun caught his baldie heid, and the background is nicely lit up. Also the mad dog haring across in the background. It's like 'Spot the Ball'. I think I can see it just behind the baldie heid. Do I win a prize?

I also admire the way blippers crop their photo into a long low landscape. So I copied them.

Back home for a relaxing afternoon with my iPad in its attractive green cover. It's nice to relax when you've done your blipping for the day. No more out galavanting till all hours and posting late for me!

* Dictionary definition.

hoachin':To teem with. To have a plentiful supply of. Scottish in origin.

eg This place is hoachin' wi' midges.

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