
Busy day today. The only photographs I've taken have been for the craft kit that I need to post out next week, so you get a sneak peek here and on my other blip account as well!

Blood test this morning and I managed to get to the right place this time, over and done with fairly easily. Testing for rheumatism :( Only had painful joints for a decade and a half (that I can remember). Home, and have had a day of doing bits and pieces. Got a lot of craft kit work done, and then decided to have a domesticated afternoon and made homemade carrot and coriander soup and fresh homemade beer bread! Y'know since Charley has been born I've had more random food cravings, more random domesticatedness and more nesting type moments than ever before. I used to joke about it after I'd had Ben that my "nesting" instinct was a little late kicking in, but this is ridiculous!!

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