
By hoodedpigwoman

Lovely Things

My name is Hoodedpigwoman and I have got too much stuff. I'm not what you would call a consumer (I don't think) but I can't resist a bargain, and more particularly I can't throw anything out that might come in useful. I seem to be channelling pure Make Do And Mend. It drives Mr HPW mental.

I really am trying to have a huge clear out. We have distrubuted several carloads variously to the tip, the Oxfam shop and freecycle in the last few weeks.

But then I saw a sale was on at Gillian Kyle. I love this stuff. I absolutely do not need another tote bag. But I really wanted this one, and then it was reduced. How could I refuse?! And obviously I need a new pinny for my new kitchen. Clearly I could Make some from my numerous fabric pieces, but I couldn't do them this well. I did make the cushion covers though.

I hope Mr HPW doesn't see this...

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