
By hoodedpigwoman

Queen Street Station #2 (and 3)

Once again collecting tickets for a colleague. It was quite a nice sunny day today, even a bit warm when I went to collect Alexander.

Seem to have spent my entire working week in a daze, apart from my walk this morning, although I have done a huge list of jobs for my boss to do on Monday. That'll teach her for going on holiday for three weeks. She does have a Blip account and she sometimes reads this... so I hope she had a lovely time!!!

I had my monthly lunchtime massage today which might explain my otherworldly feeling, although he did find some very sore bits in my shoulders. My hair was standing on end by the time he'd finished. Going to lie down now. Or do some ironing. I may need to ask the Magic 8 Ball to decide.

My sister keeps asking me to check the Magic 8 Ball to see when she's having her baby. It's due today. The outlook is so-so.

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