Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

Dog dishes

Picked this up in a junkyard near Hickory, Tennessee in 1996. The yard owner said it was a 'dog dish' from a 1930's Ford V8 saloon. I've not seen any others exactly like it so I'm not sure if he was right or not. If you do know what model it's from please let me know.

We were on our way from Charlotte NC to Bristol TN to see the NASCAR racing and spending acouple of days getting there. We'd just been thrashing around Red Rock Raceway (with permission) in a rental minivan (without permission) and down the road we picked up a flat tyre.

The damned thing had locking wheel nuts so we popped into a marvellous junkyard set on a wooded hillside overlooking a river and begged a chisel to release the offending one. While this was going on a friend and I had a wander round the hillside. The owners parting words were, "Take what you want but watch out for rattlers. I killed 18 last week". That kind of restricted our activities!

Nevertheless we collected some tag plates, bonnet badges and a wonderful Mack bulldog. I think he charged $10 for the lot! It's not like that now, the internet has wrecked cheap collecting!

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