Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Blink and It's Gone!

After dinner this evening, we drove across the bridge above the Santa Ana River. I looked to the west out the passenger's side window, lifted my camera, and clicked. Mr. Fun asked, "Did you get it?"

And I did! . . . but I wasn't sure until the photos came tumbling out of my camera a few hours later.

The Santa Ana River has more water flowing through it at the moment because of the recent rains, but compared to the Mississippi or the Ohio Rivers, it is just a trickle. It flows from the local mountain range that sits to the northeast of us and drains into the ocean. Beside much of its path a paved bicycle route runs along side of it and ends at the sand in Huntington Beach. We've bicycled that route zillions of times, so the Santa Ana River is a place of wonder for both of us.

It was just after dinner when I viewed that scene for a split second. Now I have it preserved for the rest of my life. That's just one of the reasons that I love Blipfoto . . . the permanence of a moment, of a scene, that I might never see again if it were not for Blipfoto.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

P.S. The map here on my page shows the river.

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