First out
The first (of many) irises from the beds of rhizomes that I nearly pulled out...
A slow day round here. I had a lie in of sleeping (mostly) and reading, and then some leisurely painting (WC and two doors) before coldness overtook me and I gave in to half an hour cuddling a radiator and another half hour under a super-hot shower. Conor is the other of the afflicted and has spent all day in his pjs on the sofa. Katherine took advantage of his falling asleep to replace the wall to wall X-men with a show about ponies. He wasn't best pleased when he woke up, but I'd be happy to have the heartbreaking pony stories taken off.
Ahead lies a Mr B roast chicken dinner and an evening spent close to the parafin heater. I'm sure it's not just being poorly - it is really cold here. On a quick tour of the garden I could see that the only plants that have grown since we went away last week are weeds and grass. Still no sign of potato shoots - though from the elder leaves scattered over the surface where I planted them, I think some creature might have uncovered them. That, along with some nibbled garlic leaves and one nibbled sweet pea makes me think it's time for a fence.
It's also time for lots of backblipping. Today should really be a big blipday, but that will have to wait until photos are salvaged from my phone and everything is up to date. There are some backblips for those who want to click back.
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