Bristolwood and Beyond

By bristolwood

Magical Day...

Every now and then, it seems like a day pops up that is so splendid, I don't want it to end. Today was one such day.

I had to go shopping for groceries and that is far from a favorite thing for me. In fact, I don't much care for any sort of shopping, but I will do it when necessary!

I went to the grocery store, and took Murphy along for the ride. Since Murphy was with me, I filled a tiny tin with some treats for him...when he comes along and must wait for me in the truck, the least I can do is reward him for being such a great sport!

After shopping for groceries, I went to the pet store and bought a bag of kibble for Murphy, along with a new brand of "cookies". He was so agreeable when I opened the bag for him.

I decided to hop over to the big pond behind Arby's and a few other stores. When we got there, I was so excited! Several Mallard ducks (all boys) were sleeping, but got up and walked over to greet me. I went back to the truck and took a few of Murphy's tiny cookies from the tin...I broke them into tiny pieces. Soon, a pair of Mallards came over. Mr. and Mrs. both ate directly from my hand! How cool is that?

It was getting late and I knew that I needed to get back home before my frozen goods might soften up a bit. Murphy and I arrived home and I got all the groceries in and put away.

Son called me out to the backyard and I was so excited to see a butterfly hopping about on Dandelions. (The only flower currently available at our house!) Son raced upstairs to get my camera while I watched the butterfly.

I was so stoked when the butterfly hung out on each flower as he went about his business. I was able to get so many shots! Many were good, too!

So, my Blip today is a Red Admiral. In reading about this particular species, it said they are found in many regions, namely Europe, Asia, and North America. The information stated this butterfly is quite friendly....and he was, indeed!

All in all, quite an awesome day! Love days like this!!!!

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