His Highness

My pet peeve #147 is...people who ask questions, and then answer the questions themselves. Soooo...1. Is there any bird that is prettier than the male cardinal? (I don't think so.) 2. Is there any color in nature that is more vibrant than male cardinal red? (I don't think so.) 3. Is there any bird song that is more melodious than the cardinals song? ( I don't think so.) 4. Is it annoying for someone to answer their own questions? (I think so.)

I dropped the doctor off at his office, and took a drive in the country. I ended up at the Great Lakes National Cemetery. I spotted a solitary swan, and parked my car. (I can never pass up a swan.) In order to shoot it...I had to walk past a group of veterans that were preparing for a funeral. They had rifles. I didn't want myself or the swan to be a part of the 21 gun salute. I threw out a bunch of "Sirs" in my addressing them, and they let me pass.

The cardinals song lured me away from the water. Music to my ears. He posed in several different trees.

On my flickr page are 2 pictures. One is of the swan, and the other is a uneasy swim-by of a turtle and a duck.

Click on LARGE to see the junk in the cardinals beak. He was pecking on the budding tree. Eating or building? (I don't know.)

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