Picaday Anyday

By Picaday

No Crumbs with Crimbles!

Went up to see how the sheep are doing but they were mostly way up the hill so we only saw two of them today! We only have six anyway and we're not expecting lambs.
It is still bitterly cold outside and the wind cuts right through you and makes your eyes water.
I went to the local shop to see if I could find some eye drops because my eyes have been terribly sore and itchy just lately. I found an Optrex eye bath and lotion which has taken some of the sting out. I also found CRIMBLES! I don't like them but Hubster LOVES them. He'll probably eat half of them today and half tomorrow. No self discipline! lol But they don't leave crumbs which is great!
And I didn't even get myself a treat. I'm off to get some Ryvita Multi-seed and some mature cheese with a cup of Melrose tea.
And I'll make loads of crumbs with that!
Hope you're all having a splendid day!

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