Giggles and bouncing and exasperation....

Not the best start to the day when, in a bleary-eyed state you change a nappy to discover that during the 2 seconds between switching the soaking nappy for a dry one, the baby has wee'd on the bed, his pyjamas, and your pyjamas. All change, and sink back into unconsciousness.... wake up and remember you're due at the doctor's in an hour and a half and can't get your eyes to open! Showered and got us all dressed and that was it, no time for breakfast.

So yes, doctors this morning, got myself taken off the annual recall for diabetes checkup and asked to stay being looked after by the hospital. Nice doctor said yes :) Talked about my joints (which typically weren't so bad today) but I did learn the definition of stiff joints, which it turns out I suffer with. Blood test tomorrow and I have a referral to joint specialists (well, rheumatism specialists) to check me over, and see if we can figure out what's making me hurt so much. I don't mind pain management, but it would be useful to know if there was something more specific that we're up against seeing as it's been several years of painfulness now.

Day has been spent on a fairly constant level of exasperation with Ben. I have felt like I have been talking to a brick wall who has spent a good portion of the day singing at the top of his lungs. Telling him to get out of the washing machine. Bearing with him as he vented his frustration at being physically removed from inside the washing machine. Giving in and dumping both boys in the bath. Bathtime! Not so bad. Talc for Charley, moisturiser for Ben, many moments of happiness but still one child in a world of his own paying zero attention to anything I said.

Steve came home and played with them until Ben announced he was tired and wanted a rest!

They've both gone to bed early tonight, exhausted. Couldn't even persuade Ben to stay up and have some sausage and mash for dinner!

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