Ellisroger Photos

By Ellisroger


An extremely convivial walk along the Calder and Hebble Navigation today, from Sowerby Bridge to Brighouse and back again. The towpath was very busy and amicable with walkers; people taking part in a 10K sponsored run for a local hospice; hundreds of cyclists, safely "ting tinging" as they came up behind; dog walkers; morose anglers and a few cheerful ones; and a very chatty couple, who listed for me all the wildlife they had seen along that stretch of canal recently (otters, jays, kingfishers, sand martins, etc.)

Just after I had turned back, I had to seek refreshment at this splendidly traditional canalside pub in Elland, which offered 20 types of real ale. Of course I only had one today...

Other pictures today can be seen here. Today I chose not to blip a moody black and white one, as it would not do justice to the pleasant nature of the day. But I could have opted for this one.

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