investigations of a dag

By kasty

Magical Mystery Tour

My birthday, and also that of.. well Jeremy Beadle?

Disregarding the lurgie for the day, I took the day off and went with my sister Jax and god dotter Nat to the story telling centre for puppet version of the Selfish Giant by Oscar Wilde (as relayed through the medium of a frustrated rada lovie with shadow puppets). We also found a secret garden just round the corner. Shhhh

Later we met up with my Mum and Dad for a magical mystery tour which I was (ahem) asked to navigate for? A little problematic as my Dad would only give me one random B road number at a time to go on, hence our new family term "navikating" - to get completely lost navigating to an second guessed at surprise destination and getting the blame when that goes wrong.

Despite hitting rushour, road works, several toilet breaks for wee Nat and a 50 mile diversion inland and back out to the big surprise destination, we kept our spirits up by singing along with my Mum's new Abba cd which is in every major European language but English. It was pretty surreal experience to be touring the farmland and coastlines of Fife to a Spanish version of Voulez Vouse with frankly no clue whatsoever where you are going.

Finally we made it to Anstruther, home of a brilliant award winning fish and chip shop and location for a fantastic birthday feast. I got herring and chips, 5 pickled onions, mushy peas and ice cream for afters. I also got some lovely presents (posh aveda shampoo) and cards. Loaded to the gunnell's we set sail for home which involved more tricky navikating through deepest darkest Fife.

I got home past midnight, my poor folks didn't get back to Glasgow until 01:30am!! An amazing day though. Felt much loved and much blessed to have such a silly bunch as my kin.

Thank you again for all the lovely birthday and get well messages. I paid heed.

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