Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

What a Joke!

Having only been blipping for a month, I can't be sure, but the chances are that I might have made blip history by winning the Lottery right here, live on blipfoto this morning! £43 million.

Checked my email in the morning, and there it was - the letter from the Lottery people with the subject "News about your ticket!"

Imagine that! A blip of a winning ticket. I could have BOUGHT Apple! Well, maybe not the whole company, but enough shares to make sure I always got anything new and didn't have to scramble for it.

Well, I still could blip it. It did win. £4.80! You have to laugh!

To be honest, I've had those emails before, and after the first couple, I don't actually squeal as I log in. But there's always the possibility...

Another fine day dawns. We certainly did chose the right 10 days to be away last week in warmer climes while winter took over again. I had checked the forecast for this week, thinking we might head up the West Coast for a few days (my favourite part) but it looked a bit dodgy. But it hasn't dodged at all. Spring is back.

I checked out the website of the amazing roast-meal-and-bottomless-ice-cream-heaven that we visited down south, and lo and behold! There are some north of the border. I'm not going to tell you the name of it, as you'll all rush and there might be no ice cream left for me.

OK then...

Just google 'bottomless ice cream' - there's only one place in the UK (probably the entire world) that does that! Will check out our nearest very soon. Meanwhile, I refuse to buy the usual diddly helpings that pass for a serving of ice cream here. Except Magnum Classics, obviously.

On my blip wander today, I had several exciting possibilities, but narrowed them down to this one. That joke shop has been there for years, and I used to spend ages in it and come out with something daft. And that was in my 50s! Still makes me smile, the front of it.

Don't know what those two dudes were up to, but I liked their colours, and the grumpy expression. Maybe they should pop in and pick up a silly moustache and fake nail through the finger. Oh, and a whoopee cushion to take to the theatre. That would cheer anyone up!

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