Let's enjoy it while we can....

In May 1983, I drove with my parents over to Edinburgh for an interview at Napier College.

We drove in on the A8, passing Ingleston, and the sign for the Royal Highland Show, was on the board outside, with the date 16 - 19 June 1983.

For four years, I drove back after Easter holidays, and the new year's dates were up. Always the second but last weekend in June, Thursday through Sunday. I never, ever went. But the sign was a "homecoming" for me.

1988 and 1989, I was staying East Coast so saw it then too. Visits to Edinburgh were sporadic through the 1990's and 2000's; but each time we came in by the A8 route, catching the sign post telling me when the next show was on, was a "coming home moment".

Today, we were up at Heriot Watt Campus having a look, and now, almost 30 years on it would seem, I'm going to be seeing the sign post again. Student life doesn't appear to have changed much - the residences, and drinkign and mad activity requirement appear to be the same. Lecture theatres and tutorial rooms are more modern, and larger.

The only difference I spotted was the over-abundance of wildlife, right outside the halls.

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