just another day in the big smoke.....

yep,all the way through rush hour only to get to oxford circus and find that the police are cordoning of the whole area. that's right folks oxford circus closed in morning rush hour. it wasn't helped by the fact that the police were obviously wanting to keep people down there and off the street. so i nipped past when they weren't looking and made my way over the road with the rest of the folk who were evacuating building nearby.
i strolled over to one copper (with camera around my neck by this point), and asked what was going on. i fully expected the "just clear the area sir" or "what are you doing with that camera? you must be a terrorist" bit but no. he answered in a very civil and polite way but at the same time making the actual response of "oh it's a bomb" sound so very matter of fact. it just doesn't seem to worry people. i know some do but on the whole no one cared. my point was proved for me 2 seconds later when a woman walked up and when told that she couldn't go in that direction as there was a bomb (unconfirmed to be fair but still a bit of common sense here people), waited until the copper had turned his back and marched off in the direction he had just said not to go! if it in fact had been a bomb people would have been sorry for this woman but surely that would have been self inflicted? this one incident hasn't changed my mind about the mets finest but they really do have to deal with a fine array of muppets.
oh and yes i do realise i sneaked out of the station but i never went into the inner cordon area and was making my way out of the whole cordon area......albeit in a very random way.

still it was a lovely day down here with plenty f sunshine.

have a great weekend blippers............

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