The Gift

I really do believe this image was a gift from somewhere or other. The day had been pleasant enough: hanging out with Roland and the cats, sorting out jumble for the choir jumble sale, watching a programme on download and I'd actually come to the conclusion that, perhaps, today I'd give blip a miss. No point in posting something just for the sake of it.

And then. Cycling to choir practice via the not-pissy underpass I noticed that it was partially flooded. As it is from time to time. And then I looked. And then I saw. And noticed reflections on the still water. I was pleased.

And then. I heard something behind me. I knew it was another cyclist. Let's just see what happens, I thought.

And this is what happened.

Me? I hoiked my bike onto the non-flooded bit and went on my way. Smiling.

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