Pixel Smiths

By pixelsmiths


Well, today after many years, in fact around 8 to be exact, I finally faced my fears and visited a dentist. Yes yes, bad bad person I know.

I am going to pay for my negligence for sure. The visit existed of a 1.5 hour examination and untold x-rays and photos. I asked if I could blip them but they weren't overly keen. They were pretty gross anyway. So instead a blipped an instrument, of pain ...

I have to go back in 3 weeks for an explanation of the damage (physically and fiscally) and to start treatment. I guess they will do some dental work around that time as well.

Oh, if you think I am a bad person, I have a valid reason for dental phobia ...I broke my front teeth as a 7 year old and then endured years of pins and caps, back when it was called the "Murder House". Maybe it's still called that ...

I have to admit tho, it feels somewhat cathartic to know that I have now accepted the pain, but corresponding correction, that is soon to occur.

I, Mr Pixelsmiths, hereby promise to be good from this point onwards, towards everything dental.

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