
By wonderfulworld

A Rough Diamond

Just across from the Hollywood Inn sits this very picturesque house. I was amazed I had not noticed it before. I had taken photos of another house across the road which is also beautiful in a very different way.

I met up with my hillwalking friend today. We climbed Church Mountain. I had never managed to find the peak before, so it was good to finally make it after a couple of attempts. It was a perfect day for it and over the 2 hours we caught up with each other and what is going on in our lives.

We had lunch in the Hollywood Inn afterwards and did some more catching up. I will have to be heading over to Mayo one of these days to stay with her.

Spent the rest of the day and night making up my Easter Nests. I decided not to buy Easter eggs (because of all the packaging), so I bought a load of Fairtrade chocolate bars, Cornflakes, marchmallows and made Nests with candy eggs and little fluffy yellow chicks. They turned out well and I will be doing the rounds in Dublin tomorrow.

Went out for a drink with the gang to Timmins and got a taxi home.

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