Tussock Tales

By TussockTales

Luvely Weather for..........

I was tucked up really cosy in my "house" under the stairs and could hear the rain coming down. This is a great sound when you are all tucked up and the only interference was the occasional "nasal broadcast" from upstairs, The Boss I guess. I mean to say that Ladies just don't do this so It has to be The Boss by default. Yep that will be it. It's De fault of De Boss. Oh dangerous area here I better change the subject.
WOW WOW! Thank you all for taking me to the SPOTLIGHT for my birthday This was amazing and a wonderful thrill. The Boss has printed the email and pinned it on my notice board for all (mostly ME to admire) and I do I do. Big Tussock Kiss for you all ((xxxxXXXXxxxx)) Oh Tasty!
Anyway I got The Boss to shoot this right before Breakgrub as the Boss and Bossess were going out with friends for a revoltingly healthy breakie of Pancakes, Bacon and Maple Syrup. I had some Maple Syrup once when The Boss dripped it on the floor and I set a new land speed record for K9's as I dived out of the sun, swooped down and got it before The Boss could even think about cleaning it up. My Friend Snoopy (of aeroplane fame) always said that you should "Watch for the Hun in the Sun" and although I haven't a clue what this means it does sound kinda cool to say it.
I was quite keen on the Ducky as it smelt wonderful?sorta soapy but The Bossess wouldn't let me get at it up close and personal. Sigh
Oh yes Memo to The Boss? There are few leaves out there that need picking up sometime. OK?

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