House of The Ministers
Mostly the Prime Minister. This house was imported from Norway to Flatey (Flat-Island) on Breidafjordur (Wide-fjord) in 1892 by Hans Ellfesen. He was a Norwegian and a whale hunter. Around 1910 whaling declined and he sold the house to our first Prime Minister, Hannes Hafstein (more about him in statue week) for Icelandic kronur five - could as well have given it to him - and Mr. Hafstein moved it to Reykjavik and put it down here. How? He had to take it apart, put it on a ship and sail it to Reykjavik, because there were no roads and only horses.
It's kind of funny that the Icelanders have imported houses from Norway through the ages. When Christianity was ordained in Iceland year 1000, the squires could minimize their taxes by having a church on their farm and they bought them from Norway - kind of IKEA house of the time.
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