Red Flash

By RedFlash

At last

... its the weekend.

For the last two weeks I've been good and I've walked to work in the morning. That's - 1.8 miles.

I walk for three reasons:

1. It saves me the cost of the underground
2. It helps to keep me fit
3. More blip opportunities

Unlike the last few days it was not bright and clear. The blips did not make me smile but this tweaked one did.

It is a very dark purple hellebore against the buildings around the London Museum.

You are either going to love it or hate it - there will be a mixed reaction I am sure

Late getting home due to a burning freight train at Basingstoke. I was more fortuntanate than some, as I worked on and got the first train that made it through. But I had to stand so I have not had my usual cat nap

PS I made the Spotlight page. An added bonus

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