Red Flash

By RedFlash

My trademark

When I started blipping I was known for my reflections. Since then I have expanded my repertoire to low down shots, bollards, black telephone boxes and the odd flower. And of course Milo our Welsh Terrier.

This is inside the newly revamped Blackfriars Station. You can see it on the right of this blip

It was a beautiful morning, as if the world had been washed by the rain.

They've changed the pedestrian crossing at the junction of Blackfriars Bridge and Victoria Embankment, such that if I want to walk down Queen Victoria Street, I need to cross over and walk past the station. I was heading for St Andrew by the Wardrobe - a church as I am intrigued by its name but instead I went into the station and took several photos.

This one had to be taken.

You are seeing the reflection of the Unilever Building and if you look very closely, you can see me low down as usual.

I was warned by blip friends that some days would be harder than others and they were right. I am struggling at the moment.

PS Slight delay there in loading the photo, as Footloose was on the television and I just HAD TO DANCE

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