Dog Days and Life

By hellcats

Both Ends of the Spectrum

Beautiful sunny day today with just a touch of the coldness we've had in the air.

Lots of choice of photo's today. Brian has been out on good mouse hunting and sunbathing tour of the garden....there was a touch more sunbathing than mouse hunting. Flo 'The Fat Waster' was in bed. No surprise there then.

I have been making a celebration cake for dog club tonight as in the past few days we've sadly lost a couple of the golden oldies, both great characters. They'll be much missed. This was going to be the photo.

Instead I have a shot of a different kind of celebration of life. Cedar loves licking in the inside of ears, he's not bothered what species. He is nearly 8 months now and decided to clean the ears of the most elderly member of the family, Hal, who must be at least 500 years old. Not sure if Cedar likes the ears or the taste of decay, but Hal certainly enjoyed the attention. Watching in the background is the 'Old Witch' Teal, most probably disgusted as she is by most things.

'We are always the same age inside'.

Gertrude Stein

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