Dog Days and Life

By hellcats

If Only I Had Thumbs!

Today it's the turn of Brian cat, brother to Flo 'The Fat Waster'. As it's been said before 'you can take the cat out of the feral but not the feral out of the cat'.

Brian is driven by food......Flo 'The Fat Waster' would also be driven by food if the fact she has eaten so much had not disabled the drive function.

Brian is the brains of the bunch...not difficult if you saw them both as Flo 'The Fat Waster' believes she is the beauty. I will leave you to judge that for yourself as dark torties are an acquired taste for most, but whatever your view she knows best.

The microwave is the 'safe' place for the cats cooked chicken. Brian knows how to open cupboards and plastic containers, although has yet to work out the fully clip-locked container with their biscuits in.

The microwave opening function is also not yet known, although he's had a good prod round for the button...... however who needs to know how that works when you have ninja speed when you hear the sound of the door.

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