Journey 2 Ithaki

By Journey2ithaca

Miss Spring don't be jealous!

Who said that Miss Spring left us?

Woke up this morning and Miss Winter worked her magic over night ...everything was covered in snow. Earthdreamer's photo confirms that!!

Well after waking up with snow and rolling on it with Paige (my beautiful little dog) this morning -we left the gadgets at home so no morning photos- we both wanted to go out and enjoy the snow, run on it, slide on it, play with it.

Who would think that from Narnia in the morning that this evening would be a magic spring one with clear blue skies, warm sun and the air feeling so fresh and clean. And after a fantastic session on the moor with Rebecca doing hill reps and strength training while I was looking at Luna that always fascinated me, the evening became even more magic meeting Bob (Earthdreamer) surrounded by a beautiful vibrant energy as always, coming down from the moor and then even more magic wandering on the moor and taking photos and then even even more magic talking to Alina on the phone while walking to Ben Rhyding to visit Malco and Jan and then even even even more magic when i had a Mythos, gorgeous chat, Greek salad with Malco and Jan and meeting their gorgeous dog.

Life can only be exciting if we want it to be exciting! Looking forward to the little blip meetup tomorrow evening...excited!!

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