Journey 2 Ithaki

By Journey2ithaca

My country like your sun...

...sun doesn't glow elsewhere

The light that the sea and the valleys crave.'

I am starting today's blip with this little poem like start, not trying to say that I don't love the sun anywhere I go, or that I don't love the Yorkshire sun, but as always coming back to my Greek home triggers special emotions.

Today though on top of those emotions, more emotions invaded me as I heard this morning that a great guy that I met and run with passed away after disappearing a few days ago. You might have heard of Caballo Blanco, the guy that we first heard about in Chris McDougall's book Born to Run. Caballo loved the trails and the rocky mountains, he ran free, that was his lifestyle, he was known for disappearing for days...but this time when he left the lodge where he was staying for just a twelve mile run and never returned we all knew that a runner experienced like him would never loose his way, something happened to him. Friends and rescue crews roamed the area, Tarahumaras friends arrived in an attempt to locate him and they did, at the bottom of a canyon. We still don't know what the causes of his death are but the whole ultra runners community is deeply saddened by his passing.

Yesterday I went up mount Olympus for a nearly marathon distance trail run dedicated to a good friend and a great spirit and haven't stopped thinking about him. I really closed my eyes and tried to see where is Caballo. I kept on asking where are you Caballo? Mind can play games, and I could see rocky canyons, rocks, but I was also running on a rocky mountain. Coming down I was happy to see my friend Sotiria after quickly visiting the monastery. She asked me how I was and I told her that I was buzzing but I haven't stopped thinking of him, and that I did hope that he was ok and that he was just out on one of his adventures (tears in my eyes writing this) ...deep in my heart though I knew that his soul perhaps was already with the angels. Just a strong feeling.

When I found out his morning the news, I really burst into tears. But in my mind I silently thought...'Adios Caballo Blanco. You are with the angels now, I wil continue exploring the wilds of this world, running free like you did.'

I head to the sea, and with the warm sun blinding me, became one with the water. Swam more than seven km to a little sandy beach under the monastery and had tomatoe omelette with the monks that I know really well as when I was a physiotherapy student in Greece I would visit the monastery to help with anything needed doing around plus offer my medical services to them. I opened my heart to a couple of them and told them about Caballo, I told them that my spirituality has changed since I was young in many ways but they still wanted all of us to say a prayer for him. Like out of magic when I came out clouds have formed in the sky but by the time I started my descent in my speedos and barefoot the sun burned the clouds over the sea like the heavens opened up and ...I felt happy. I thought to myself that I need to keep moving, to run free and continue giving my heart to many people around me as I love doing that.

Tomorrow I fly back to Yorkshire and I bring with me magic memories and a few great stories to tell. Sotiria thank you for your hospitality and ...Caballo I will never forget you...

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