Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

I Want To Make Egg Salad

Yes, I do.

But I don't know how to make hard boiled eggs. True. Nearing my sixth decade of life and I can't boil an egg.

As I'm writing, I'm reading my Betty Crocker Cookbook (circa 1969). It was written for people like me.

Two methods here.:
Cold Water Method. Involves starting with cold water, heating to boil, remove from heat and let stand covered for 22-24 minutes.

Boiling water method. Start with eggs in warm water while you heat water to boiling. Add eggs. Reduce to simmer and cook for 20 minutes.

For both methods, immediately place in cold water when done to prevent further cooking, tap shell to crack, roll between hands to loosen shell then peel.

I think I can handle it. I might call my mom for a second opinion. She knows everything.

Now, how do you make egg salad?

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