Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Mt. Baldy within Reach

This morning we headed for the Apple/MAC Store in Victoria Gardens so I could ask a clerk to help me sort out a technical problem I was having with my iPhone and my email. Before stopping in at Victoria Gardens in Rancho Cucamonga, where the store is located, we stopped just down the highway at a restaurant for breakfast.

We stepped out of the car and I said, "I've got to capture this." All of my life Mt. Baldy has been just to the north of where I live. Even when I was a little girl living in the large Los Angeles Basin, we could see Mt. Baldy on a clear day. Now we see that big ol' hunk of land every time we look out from our upstairs windows.

It's been a good day. Got my iPhone and email sync'd so that all is now smoothly operating. Had a late afternoon visit from an old friend who we went to high school with, Greg Schmitz. He is here in Southern California from the Portland, Oregon area (Scappose to be exact) visiting his adult daughter and several of his high school friends. Then I've spent the evening trying to finish the scoring on papers for my late morning Tuesday class so I can return them tomorrow. I'm trying desperately to enter Spring Break/Easter Week with no homework for students and the freedom for me to feel like I do not need to grade their papers.

Good night from Southern California, where we've viewed a spectular day.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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