Arkensiel Photography

By arkensielphoto


Today I have been looking after my grandchildren as their mum is better and has gone to work. They both had to do some revision for exams, but in between Victoria wanted to learn to cross stitch. She tried when she was younger, but was not really old enough then.

She wants to be able to do it equally as well, or better than her other Grandma, who unfortunately is no longer with us. Grandma Wendy was brilliant at sewing, embroidery, knitting, cross stitch and anything craft wise and to equal her Victoria has got to go some; I was going to add a link to show her efforts but see below. Victoria also wants to learn to knit and to do some patchwork, some of this we will do in the long summer holidays unless she changes her mind!

Today has been fine although quite cold; we have had two or three showers of rain, which did not last very long. I decided to blip these primroses which grow in large numbers in my daughter's garden.

I was going to include a link to Victoria's journal, but her picture is currently being investigated as there appears to be no exif data. She used my Nikon D7000 camera, hers has a flat battery, so I do not know why this should be so, as mine always appears okay; maybe she uploads her pictures in a different way to me. I will add a link if her picture gets approval; she is Polo the Cat.

Edit - Click here to view Victoria's project.

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